Push and Pop Traffic: The Ultimate Guide - Admeking

Push and Pop Traffic: The Ultimate Guide

Push and Pop traffic are two types of online advertising that have become increasingly popular in recent years. Push traffic refers to notifications that are sent to users’ devices, while Pop traffic refers to ads that appear in new windows or tabs.

Both Push and Pop traffic have their own advantages and disadvantages. Push traffic is more intrusive than Pop traffic, but it can also be more effective at capturing users’ attention. Pop traffic is less intrusive, but it can also be less effective at generating conversions.

What is Push Traffic?

Push traffic is a type of online advertising that allows businesses to send notifications to users’ devices. These notifications can be used to promote new products or services, offer discounts, or simply keep users updated on the latest news from the business.

Push traffic is delivered through a browser extension or app that users must install on their devices. Once the extension or app is installed, users can choose to subscribe to notifications from specific businesses.

How Does Push Traffic Work?

When a user subscribes to notifications from a business, the business will be able to send them messages directly to their device. These messages can be text, images, or even videos.

When a user receives a push notification, they will see a small pop-up on their device. The pop-up will contain the message that the business sent, as well as a link to the business’s website or landing page.

The Benefits of Push Traffic

There are several benefits to using Push traffic for online advertising. These benefits include:

  • High visibility: Push notifications are displayed directly on users’ devices, which means that they are very visible. This makes them a great way to capture users’ attention and generate conversions.
  • High engagement: Push notifications are a great way to engage with users. When users receive a push notification, they are more likely to click on it and visit the business’s website or landing page.
  • Low cost: Push traffic is a relatively low-cost form of online advertising. This makes it a great option for businesses with limited budgets.

The Disadvantages of Push Traffic

While Push traffic has several benefits, there are also some disadvantages to consider. These disadvantages include:

  • Intrusiveness: Push notifications can be intrusive, especially if they are sent too frequently. This can lead to users unsubscribing from notifications or even uninstalling the business’s app.
  • Spam: Push notifications can be used to send spam to users. This can damage the business’s reputation and make it difficult to generate conversions.
  • Technical limitations: Push traffic is not available on all devices or browsers. This can limit the reach of the business’s advertising campaigns.

How to Use Push Traffic Effectively

To use Push traffic effectively, businesses should consider the following tips:

  • Send targeted notifications: Only send push notifications to users who have opted in to receive them. This will help to ensure that your notifications are not seen as spam.
  • Keep notifications relevant: Only send push notifications that are relevant to the user’s interests. This will help to keep users engaged and increase the chances of them clicking on your links.
  • A/B test your notifications: Test different types of notifications to see what works best for your audience. This will help you to optimize your campaigns and get the most out of your Push traffic.


Push traffic is a powerful tool that can be used to generate conversions and grow businesses. However, it is important to use Push traffic effectively to avoid alienating users and damaging your reputation. By following the tips in this article, you can use Push traffic to reach your target audience and achieve your marketing goals.